Best People Watching Spot
Mig: The wooden bench between Poorhouse and America’s Backyard. Honestly, I could bring a 12 pack and hang out there all night.
Fat Hand: Table outside Elbo Room.
S Jam: Along the New River
J Fine: Just found this little gem Sunday…Pompano Beach Bru’s Room for Sunday football – wear your half shirts and henna tit tats! enjoy!
Best Spot On The Beach
Mig: FTL Beach’s South Beach, by the volleyball courts. More sand, more options, and occasional beach raves.
Fat Hand: Across from Blondies. Party time.
S Jam: The jetty
J Fine: McSorley’s beach. Free parking, convenience stores, bars & food…
Best Piece Of Old Florida
Mig: No brainer. Dania motherf**king Jai Alai. I love that place!
Fat Hand: 11th Avenue swing bridge. Reminds me of glory days of Calvin Coolidge’s presidency.
S Jam: Hollywood Beach
J Fine: My apartment – built in the 1950s (I need to get out more)
Best Place To Lay Low
Mig: Shark Valley on a full moon. Outside of a few fellow bikers, it’s just you and the alligators.
Fat Hand: I would say a Florida Marlins game. Because nobody else will be there.
S Jam: Sailboat Bend 🙂
J Fine: If I told you it wouldn’t be MY hide out… The Hut Lounge (Its the shady place guys take girls that they are cheating on the actual girlfriend with (& no I have never been taken there!)
Best Place To Unwind
Mig: Block parties. I like anytime they close down Himmarshee and let us hang in the street. There’s something therapeutic about standing in the street with a plastic cup of cheap draft beer.
Fat Hand: Downtowner Saloon
S Jam: Brew
J Fine: Japanese Village & the fabulous & fun Takeshi deserve honorable mention.
Best Scenic Location
Mig: Perimeter Road by the airport. Watching low flying planes directly over my head will never get old.
Fat Hand: The Jetty
S Jam: Top of the 17th Street bridge
J Fine: Ramp from 595 to 95 North – beautiful Downtown skyline and only positive thing about driving on 595 (just sayin)
Best Store To Look, Not Buy
Mig: Alex’s Gift Shop. The Swap Shop’s garage sale area is a close second.
Fat Hand: Petsmart on Federal Highway. Because looking at animals is fun, but aren’t we supposed to boycott all stores that sell live animals? Or do I have that wrong?
S Jam: Jezebel, although I usually end up buying something
J Fine: Hahaha, no such thing.
Best Guilty Pleasure
Mig: Off The Hookah or Living Room. I don’t go to either very often, but I think they’re fun places to party if you’re in the right mood.
Fat Hand: Drinking margaritas at an outdoor table at any of the bars/ restaurants along A1A
S Jam: Spending money I don’t have at Radioactive Records
J Fine: Shopping & drinking – Gateway Mall has a lot to offer – Jezebel’s, Heart Rock Sushi, Radio-Active Records. 17th Street area also has great options for an urban hike – Water taxi, 15th Street Fisheries, the Village Well…