Following RSS feeds of local blogs is my preferred method of acquiring information about local businesses, bands, artists, and events; however, because of my undying need to know everything happening in my neighborhood, I also follow countless, relevant Twitter accounts and Facebook pages/accounts. So maybe 162 followees on Twitter is overkill. Maybe 300+ local fan pages is ridiculous. And maybe I have a problem because I subscribe to 25+ RSS feeds and check them multiple times per day. Ok, I admit it…

My name is Mig and I have a social media addiction.

Now that I got that off my chest, I’d like to introduce you to a new segment entitled Essential Local Social Media (I’ll work on a snazzier name). In this series of posts, I will highlight quality forms of social media to follow in order to know ALMOST everything going on. Each post will include one blog, a handful of related twitter accounts, and couple of active Facebook accounts.

Again, this list is not the be-all end-all. Go find a blog. Start a blog. Recommend a blog. Make your own tweets. Search for tweets. Use Facebook for more than stalking. You get the picture.

These are just some of the sources I use to follow FTL’s ongoings.

The Most Important Blog In South Florida: South Florida Daily Blog

No other blogger in South Florida follows as many RSS feeds as Rick at South Florida Daily Blog. The best part about Rick though, is that he shares only the best information via short summaries on his blog. Not only does he do that once a day with his Morning Sifts, he also has Mid Afternoon Sifts and Evening Sifts. For most people that would be good enough, except that he also posts his own material (usually political), as well as funny Colbert Report and Daily Show clips. Heck, even his blogroll is up to date and thorough. Any respectable list of essential Dade and Broward blogs needs to start with SFDB. For all the times that he’s linked to us, South Florida Daily Blog is due for some love from the FTLC. Thanks Rick for keeping us informed.

Local Music Twitter List

Here’s a twitter list I compiled of some of the music related twitter accounts that I follow on a regular basis. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a tweeter to see this list. If you want, bookmark the page and check back periodically. Although, it’s probably just easier to join Twitter. My only gripe: when you sign up for a Twitter account, try and provide the twitosphere with valuable content. My rule of thumb is it’s useful if a stranger can understand and comment on it.

Broward Music Venues on Facebook

These venue Facebook pages will help you know where the local music is happening:

Poorhouse, Monterey Club, Revolution, Culture Room, A1A Dive Bar, Stage 84, IWAN The Bubble, Fat Cats, 1921, Octopus Garden

Feel free to comment with some accounts that I missed. Also, if you are unaware of how to use RSS feeds, here’s a introduction.

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