Help design the new banner on

Our banner is long overdue for a makeover. Over the last seven months, we managed to cope with it, but we never really felt like it was a true fit.  To end our suffering, we’ve decided to start spring cleaning a few months early, and trash our current monstrosity in hopes of a sexier banner image. Here’s where you guys come in…

We’re inviting all our readers to enter in our banner design contest, appropriately titled FTL Collective’s Banner Contest. The winner(s) will get some recognition on the blog via a congratulatory post and inclusion of your design on the top of the page. There are only two rules — the banner must be 990 x 180 and the words FTL Collective or FTLC must be somewhere on the image. Besides that, be as creative or devious as you’d like.

Send your completed designs to . If you’re unsure about your design, just know that it’s nearly impossible to do much worse than our current banner. Also, there’s a chance that we might have multiple winners, meaning that we would rotate the banners over time.

Have fun!

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