by Adelina Ridicolo

Yesterday FTLC showcased the opinion of one man’s distaste with the popular hangout spot, America’s Backyard.  Today, we have a rebuttal.

An undifferentiated glob of lameness? Sounds like somebody’s bartender forgot the pillow talk. As a native South Floridian and a loyal FTL downtowner, I especially despise the naïve amateurs rolling in for Spring Break congesting up our beaches and over-crowding our watering holes. But maybe if we weren’t the prime location for these college girls to experiment and for the “Guido’s” to show off their muscles, then FTL wouldn’t have evolved into what it is today. I’d like to take this time to reference back to the 1987 movie Revenge of the Nerds II: Nerds in Paradise, which is based on a college break trip made to our very own Ft. Lauderdale. Not to veer off subject, but my point is it’s not all THAT bad.

As far as Guido’s being a constant clientele at AB, I disagree that this demographic is typical outside of Spring Break Season. I don’t know what the author of the previous article meant by AB “exploiting Latin-Guido culture”, but yes — people of Latin heritage come to AB.  We live in South Florida, Latin and Guido are two different classifications, which someone who lives in South Florida surely can tell the difference.

Downtown FTL is much like a small town, minus any conservativeness. (Our version of Christmas is a drinking ritual for God’s sake!) Also with that said, the well known gay community Wilton Manors has become a very large part of FTL —  so being free with your sexuality is extremely acceptable. So I’m sorry if the two hosed down chicks making out whilst being broadcasted on the dozen plasmas surrounding you has caused offense, but that is in fact a sliver of the liberal culture you chose to visit.

To an out of town visitor, what is the difference between Fat Cats and Poor House, Elbow Room and Blondie’s, Dicey Riley’s and Tarpon Bend? Not all that much. America’s Backyard, however, is an original. It’s true, ONLY at AB can you hear the “lame” playlist that we all once must have loved because we seem to still sing along. Sure their course of music could use some work in areas, but at least Miley Cyrus (definitely not lame) is included in the frequently played Top-40, which obviously many people enjoy.

Moving on, America’s Backyard offers some pretty great things too. For instance, their marketing team is unshakable and pretty darn generous to those who choose to support the AB Facebook Fanpage (or just hand over their e.mail address). They host free open bars twice a week and they’re constantly giving away tickets to movie premiers or concerts. So even if you hate Grillin’ and Chillin’, you cannot deny their lavish charitableness.

For those bitter beings who despise AB, I would not call you a snob or conceited–yet simply closed minded. In my finishing statement, I’d like to clarify this was not meant as an attack on anyone, just an attempt to somewhat re-moralize the reputation of America’s Backyard as a popular and fun local hangout. Oh and before I forget, backyard is ONE word.

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